
This blog is for my critical Thinking or any kind of think i do. to discus plan and let you coment on my ideas of life the univers and every thing.

Location: Whastandwell/Burley, Derbyshire/Leeds, United Kingdom

Im cruently studying Surface paturn and printed textiles at leeds coledge of art. i love it im a happy hyper person whos abit of a dedicated worker as my freind nicley put it i just really well happy!!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Fair Trade


Whilst on my trip to London I saw this exibition by Trevor Lighton.
I really like it caught my attention not really sure why.... it could have been because of its quirky maner or the fact you can have fun in trying to spot the fruit and reading what these people do with their fair trade food....

I think its also interesting because of having to feed my self. For the first time im more aware of of what I'm buying... whilst having an limited budget and some one who enjoys own brands I started buying british food where posible especially in the fruit and veg mainly because it is in season it is cheaper to buy and the idea that the distace your food has travelled- say, a pink ladey can travel from South Africa you can imagine the distance it's travelled and the amount of pollution. Ironically the healthy option may have damaged the environment. (though it's not always possible I do try)

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Harrogot- twee fabric shop

This is one very cool fabric shop in Harrogote where me and Nat went on a day trip...
We were very pleased to find it as we had no idea what was in Harrogate when we arrived. I think we arranged it really just for the train journey which was in it self was really fun... we saw lots of places and (Hills... nat)
and a place called

Friday, April 07, 2006

RABITS ! ! !

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Seeing is believing


was scolling thought the blogs and found this why would you do that and how...... por child

more papper plains

..... Continued


soo looks like I'm going to do some harder looking if it's not been documented that welll


a quote I found on the internet so I'm not the only one this puzzles

"What did the first ever paper aircraft look like?"
If anyone in the world reading this page finds out anything aboutthe answer to the question - please do e-mail


never knew there was so much info out there still no answer to my question best keep looking.

just thought I'd mention I can't make planes to save my life...

What Where Papper airoplanes called befor airoplanes wher invented??

This conundrum has caused me much bewilderment over the last days..

much to the confoundment of my friends who received texts on the same point...

and responded mainly with bewilderment

"humm yes there's a thought.... paper Darts maybe?" "I'm sure they've been around since the begining of time even before paper ... what would they be called then???" (confuse me even more Marie!!)


"huh?!?.... maybe they didn't have have paper planes till aeroplanes were invented" (kill the dream (why don't you)

I've been thinking about this because as I was walking along to the bus stop one of the many planes on the way to Leeds Bradford flew over and it made me think of how technologically advanced the world now is... and the idea that paper has been around for ever
... well no it hasn't, it's been around longer than planes and i can imagine paper planes being the entertainment of children (with no computer games) before there were actual aeroplanes....

But maybe I'm just think of planes as passenger planes such as the ones we're so used to now.... rather than those of the Wright brothers

further research is required..... (to be continued)


Picture of Charing Cross train station
- it stopped raining
the lights had come on
and everything looked pretty
so I took a picture

Pretty In Pink

The Tate

We also visited the tate which was also changing round it exhibitions, even the free ones which was a bit disappoinitng but, in a way, I allso feel it's quite good as I have visited the tate several times befor and after a while the work seems to become very similar and bit boring unless you pay to go see the exhibitions (which is ok if it's something you want to see but if you're not too fussed(not so good))but you do pick out your favourite bits and pieces

There was a good collection of surrealist stuff on display which was nice. I also was shocked by the fact that as walked round i saw images and was able to recognise the style and who they were by, and not just the well known images!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

British libary

On a recent trip to London I visited the British Libary. Unfortunatley it was between exhibitions so there was not much to see but there was the normal exhibition of books throughout the ages and old ones from foreign countrys. I was surprised by how decorative all the pages were in many cases. Some of the really old books whole pages were left to just the one letter with great ornametation similar to that above with lots of gilt work... It made me think alot about what I want to do for my next project.
