
This blog is for my critical Thinking or any kind of think i do. to discus plan and let you coment on my ideas of life the univers and every thing.

Location: Whastandwell/Burley, Derbyshire/Leeds, United Kingdom

Im cruently studying Surface paturn and printed textiles at leeds coledge of art. i love it im a happy hyper person whos abit of a dedicated worker as my freind nicley put it i just really well happy!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Radio 4

A sad admission on my part the only radio station my radio is tuned in to is radio 4.
I love it even if it is a bit odd for a 19 year old (never really got music).

I enjoy the 60's and 50's style comedy and nowing what's going on in the world,a lthought eh presenters sometimes get abit to rude in the news programs. i allso love the odd little things you learn like all about rubarb production in yorkshire or the decline in snail numbers

its great...

For instance this series of pieces really caught my interest as this is what I do quite a bit.

i think thats is very relivant to me

I suppose in some ways this links back to preconcieved ideas and that no one can really judge from the outside of a person what they will be like on the inside.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

preconcived idiolagys

On the train the other day I heard too oldish punk style old men (both of whom where bald- what that has to do with it I don't know) Any way they were discussing the merits of certain vitiamins taken in the morning and which they had taken. I just found this very surreal as they were not who you would have thought about taking these sorts of things.
I suppose this sort of thing is me being very, well, stereotypical.

I was suprised to find my self thinking like this as these kind of ideas are really what I dont like but then if we always knew what we were going to think we would never be suprised by ourselves and never inspired to look depeer in to ourselves.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Other contrasts

Other contrasts I noticed between old art and modern was the colours used in new paintings compared to traditional paintings which used dark olive colours and the people always had really pale faces. Now we have more artificial colours available to us in our pallets so that things can be coloured in brighter shapes (link to thing about modern dyes). Lighting also plays a part in the colours, we now have electric lights so things appear brighter, clearer and colours are more intense compared with older paintings where Things were only lit by candles so the shapes would have been more dull and flickery.

(Joseph Wright of derby (Experiment with the Air-Pump, approx. 1768, oil on canvas, Tate Gallery at London) And Bill Murphy (OlimpiaMixed-Media Painting))

The use of light

The use of light has played role in the arts for quite a while. Monet http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/monet/haystacks/

was one painter to look at the use of light in his painting the haystacks where he did several paintings of the same object in different lights causing different colours to give different moods and atmospheres. This was difficult in the 17 hundreds because of the lack of colours

Realistic portrayal

Looking through the gallery I was stuck by the realistic portrayal of most of the images prior to the last century, compared to contemporary painting and art, which seem to be becoming more free and less time consuming to produce. http://www.rijksmuseum.nl/tentoonstellingen/index.jsp?lang=en (exibitions at the Rijks)

I can see sides to both forms; contemporary art needs to be thought about and quite often explained to the viewer, whereas less contemporary work seems to tell stories or you can see quite easily what's going on and you can also read in to it more or less. Work at the moment has become more elitist and for certain people to look at and understand. This is a bit like the old perceptions of art for the rich and royalty and less like art for the masses. This seemed to happen in the 60’s and 70’s with pop art and people like Andy Warhol.

The seventies was a good era for art as with the freedom of speech, high morals, passions, ideas and points that where to be made.


We visited Amsterdam for 5 days to experience and benefit from a different culture and city.
The first museum we visited in whilst there was the Rijks. http://www.rijksmuseum.nl/index.jsp
I enjoyed this museum, as I found these classic paintings attractive because of their a
ccurate portrayal and detail in their work, which is not really the style I paint in.

Etienne–Maurice Falconet

The first piece that really caught my attention was the Etienne–Maurice Falconet.

The inscription on the plinth read

“Whoever you are, This is your master. That he is,
That he was and There will be�

I was attracted to this sculpture because of its scary eyes and the sinister look. Its strong cherub features adds to the sinister look, and so does the mischievous and young look it seems to have which freaked me and Alissha out a little but also drew our attention.