
This blog is for my critical Thinking or any kind of think i do. to discus plan and let you coment on my ideas of life the univers and every thing.

Location: Whastandwell/Burley, Derbyshire/Leeds, United Kingdom

Im cruently studying Surface paturn and printed textiles at leeds coledge of art. i love it im a happy hyper person whos abit of a dedicated worker as my freind nicley put it i just really well happy!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

preconcived idiolagys

On the train the other day I heard too oldish punk style old men (both of whom where bald- what that has to do with it I don't know) Any way they were discussing the merits of certain vitiamins taken in the morning and which they had taken. I just found this very surreal as they were not who you would have thought about taking these sorts of things.
I suppose this sort of thing is me being very, well, stereotypical.

I was suprised to find my self thinking like this as these kind of ideas are really what I dont like but then if we always knew what we were going to think we would never be suprised by ourselves and never inspired to look depeer in to ourselves.