
This blog is for my critical Thinking or any kind of think i do. to discus plan and let you coment on my ideas of life the univers and every thing.

Location: Whastandwell/Burley, Derbyshire/Leeds, United Kingdom

Im cruently studying Surface paturn and printed textiles at leeds coledge of art. i love it im a happy hyper person whos abit of a dedicated worker as my freind nicley put it i just really well happy!!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Linking back to the idea of Subcultures

This in some way links to our lecture on sub cultures and how there were and still are groups of people who separate them selves into different groups like the girls who wear to much make up, the goths, the punks, the ones who are stylish with out looking like too much effort has gone into it, the group that are trying to be different, the townies. All thes group contain different peopel all of whom are interesting and contain nice people and intruiging caracters which may at first be judged by how they look and what they seem to do but, when you think about it, are all the same in many ways